The Catholic Experience
Spirituality/Belief • Writing • Culture
Catholics turning "followship" into fellowship and helping each other to learn and grow in holiness. Catholicism is an adventure, but we weren't meant to live it in isolation. Holiness is the goal, and the human experience is the vehicle. Community is essential to that experience.
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Word of God not words 'about God" (Long Version

Long version of a clip I posted to socials. Enjoy!
I received this in prayer and wanted to share it with you. — the importance of truly embracing the Word of God. I discuss how we often perceive the Bible merely as words about God, rather than God's living words. I emphasize the necessity of immersing ourselves in Scripture, not just through reading but also through meditation, to fully appreciate its divine essence and its role in our spiritual lives. Join me as I explore how to deepen our connection to God by allowing His Word to permeate our lives.

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New Series, Free and Paid Members, "Establishing Interior Peace"

When Jesus told the apostles, "Peace be with you!" their response was not "No thanks!"
But it's usually how we respond today, with our interior habits and dispositions that are contrary to interior peace. Peace is important to Jesus because it's important for us. It's the pathway to holiness, according to the saints. So how do we get there? I'll be doing a short series on that subject here on Locals, starting this week for both FREE and paid members. Paid members may get a little extra segment, or something in addition to the standard episodes. Haven't worked that out yet. Here's the promo I posted to socials

What's in Your Treasury?

In this short monologue, I reflect on chance encounters with three priests and their conversations, drawing a parallel to the teachings of Jesus about where our heart and treasure lie. Keeping in mind that we talk about things that have our attention, we can learn soething about the ‘treasures’ in our heart. Are they trivial? Are they frivolous or petty? Or are they truly, deeply valuable? I end the episode with a challenge that the listener may find unsettling, if they accept it. But it will bring them to holiness. So join me as we delve into understanding and expanding our spiritual treasury.

Segment Time Codes
00:27 The Power of Attention and Focus
01:30 Self-Reflection on Personal Treasury
02:16 Homework: Discovering Your True Treasury
02:49 The Reality of Our Spiritual Wealth
04:42 Final Thoughts and Blessings

Related Episode:
"Focus and Attention"

Tips for Being Spiritually Proactive

Explore the importance of being spiritually proactive by praying authentically, meditating on scripture, and trusting in Church teachings. I also encourage a humble and faithful approach to spiritual practice, emphasizing meditation on Scripture for personal growth. Learn how to deepen your prayer life and embrace the wisdom of the Church with humility.

0:00 Tips for Being Spiritually Pro-Active
00:03 Saint-ing is as Simple as This
00:18 Have Faith and Trust in the Church
00:58 Pray and Meditate on Scripture

#catholicpodcast #catholicteaching #catholiclife #catholicprayer

Cultural Lifeline

The Catholic Experience: Reflections on Faith, Politics, and Culture

Returning after a brief hiatus I share some of my thoughts on my personal journey from unemployment to finding a new job, emphasizing the importance of leaving things in God's hands. I also discuss current political issues, including immigration and how it's portrayed in the media, and explain the cultural crisis of identity that affects both individuals and society. This episode seems political, but through a Catholic lens. There's a lot here for faithful Catholics to learn from.

00:00 The Catholic Adventurer Returns
00:39 Life Updates and New Beginnings
02:48 The Struggles of Unemployment
03:43 Faith and Gratitude in Difficult Times
11:17 Podcasting Challenges and Future Plans
18:31 Immigration and Political Commentary
30:43 Unemployment Benefits and Illegal Immigration
31:54 Fantasyland Christianity and Immigration
32:34 Misconceptions About the Holy Family
33:41 Legal vs. Illegal Immigration
33:56 Shark Tank and the...

Cultural Lifeline
Catholic Fairy Tales (Audio/Free)

Debunking Catholic Fairy Tales: Pope Francis, Traditionalism, and Conscience

In this episode, I tackle some of the common myths circulating within the Catholic community. We explore whether Pope Francis is truly a heretic, the actual meaning of progressivism and traditionalism in Catholicism, and the misunderstood role of conscience versus church teaching. Join me as I delve into these topics, providing clarity and challenging widely held misconceptions.

Article on Conscience (Preview for Free members, full article for paid members)

00:00 Introduction and Session Setup

00:22 Discussing Canonical Crimes

03:02 Addressing the Pope Heresy Claims

19:13 Exploring Progressivism in Catholicism

26:42 Traditionalism in Catholicism

28:55 Understanding Catholic Purity

29:29 The Role of Tradition in Catholicism

29:58 Misconceptions About Traditionalism

30:53 Defining Pure Catholicism

31:30 The Importance of ...

Catholic Fairy Tales (Audio/Free)
Where is the Church? Responding to the Olympic Last Supper Mockery

In this episode, I express my views on the Catholic Church's reaction, or lack thereof, to this event. I address the faithful's feelings of abandonment, call for stronger leadership from the Vatican, and reflect on historical instances where Jesus set boundaries. I also explore the impact of silence from church leaders on the faithful and the rise of extremism within the Church.


00:00 Introduction and Welcome
01:04 Outrage Over Olympic Performance
03:00 Lack of Response from the Vatican
05:40 Zealotry and Reactions
08:05 Defending the Faith
09:20 Critique of Atheist Reactions
17:08 Call for Pastoral Leadership
24:02 The Importance of Experience in Leadership
24:29 Meeting People Where They Are
24:54 The Danger of Silence and Inaction
25:51 Balancing Extremism in the Church
27:23 The Role of Social Media in Gauging Faithful Sentiment
31:03 Jesus' Response to Injustice
32:30 The Need for Pastoral Leadership
34:24 Criticism of Vatican Silence
38:08 The Burden on Evangelizers

Where is the Church? Responding to the Olympic Last Supper Mockery
Status Update

Good morning, my friends. I just wanted to take this moment to thank you all for being a part of the Catholic Experience and to apologize for my absence over the past week or so. Here’s what’s going on, and here’s what you can expect.

Thanks be to God. I started my new job earlier than I was supposed to start. It has been a difficult transition going back to work full-time, at a new place, having to learn new processes, and then coming home to fulfill pressing dad duties. I haven’t had time for much else. But I’m slowly getting back into the swing of things.

I expect to produce two podcast episodes on Locals this week. One will be for paid members and the other will be available to all members.

There’s a fairly complex issue I wanted to talk about in a podcast, but I want to get my thoughts together and lined up, and prepare some scripture references to support it. The topic is, “What is the Enemy of a People” in light of rhetoric and ideologies flying all over the place ...

Status of "Threats to 'Catholic' "

Hey fans! My live stream are capped at 30 minutes so last night's stream is cut off at the 30-minute mark. But I'll post the full recording here a little later.
This will be available to all members (free and paid) but paid supporters will get the extended version with an extra segment.
Stay tuned!

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Live stream has ended. Full show will be uploaded tomorrow

As I warned at the beginning of the stream, I'm capped at 30 minutes on a live stream. But I'll upload the full recording tomorrow, and it'll be available to paid and free members. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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All About Conscience
Addressing the Many Dangerous Misconceptions About Conscience, Authority of Conscience and Whether Conscience Trumps Church Teaching

Paid Members article, with a preview for free members. Thanks for joining me here on Locals!

People have a lot of wrong ideas about conscience. Many are convinced that conscience is merely how we feel about the moral quality of an act or that conscience is a little angel on one shoulder, countering the voice of a little devil on the other. Our heads (minds) are caught in the middle, exercising free will to choose between those two opposing voices.

 “Is it a sin to fornicate? I don’t feel it is. Therefore I’m free to do it.” “It’s a mortal sin to miss mass. But I feel God understands, so it’s not a sin for me.”

Wrong, wrong, all wrong.

There is also a misunderstanding of the authority that one’s conscience has. Some hear “authority of conscience” and believe it permits and validates moral relativism. “I believe abortion is wrong, but if someone else, by authority of their conscience, feels it isn’t wrong, they have a right to do what they feel is right.” Still, others see conscience as something that binds reality to its authority. “I feel this isn’t wrong, therefor society should allow it. After all, we have free will and must obey our conscience. The Church even says so!”


On the other hand, there are orthodox Catholics and conservatives who believe conscience can be imposed upon; that people should be forced to do what is objectively right and Good. “There ought to be a law!” echoes this attitude. But that position is not Truth either.


Only for Supporters
To read the rest of this article and access other paid content, you must be a supporter
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State of the Church, FULL EPISODE
Three Pillars of What Ails the Modern Catholic Church

Free and Paid members, find your respective links/players below.


A recent essay by a prominent Jesuit on the troubling state of the order is like a snapshot of what ails the entire Church today. I’ll touch on three major points.
After-Show will be coming soon. It'll be available to all members for a limited time, then available only to paid members.

Paid Members:

Scroll down to find the link and password to play the full videos (Episode, and the After-Show video). Thank you so much for supporting my work

Free Members:

Here is the early release of the audio #podcast. (player is below) You're getting it a day or two sooner than the general public. Thanks for being a member!!

Notes: Here's the link to the article I was reading

Prominent Jesuit: The Society of Jesus is in ‘profound decline’

Only for Supporters
To read the rest of this article and access other paid content, you must be a supporter
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We're No Angels.
What are angels, and why is it impossible for a human to become one, once we're in Heaven

We're no angels! No, I’m not talking about the 80’s film that starred Robert DeNiro and Sean Penn (Which was actually a remake of the 1955 film by the same name, which starred Humphrey Bogart). The title of this blog post has a literal meaning. We’re, literally, not angels.

When we were young, many of us believed that we could become angels once we went to Heaven. Characters from classic movies like It’s a Wonderful Lifehave helped to perpetuate this misconception. In that movie, a guardian angel named Henry (Played by Clarence Odbody) was trying to earn his wings by helping George Bailey (Jimmy Stewart) through a life crisis. But while the idea of humans becoming angels is quaint and charming, it couldn’t be further from the truth. It would be impossible for humans to become angels, and for some very specific reasons.

Angels are a unique species of God’s creation. As defined by St. Thomas Aquinas, angels are nonmaterial beings who are incorporeal (they don’t have bodies) and are pure intelligence. They have no gender, and they don’t even have wings!

Humans do share some characteristics with angels in that. For example humans, as well as angels, have free will and a free intellect. And so, contrary to popular opinion, angels are not mindless robots any more than humans are. We are also spiritual (we have a soul), just as the angels are spiritual. However, that is where the similarities end. Humans are physical as well as spiritual. We have bodies, and we have a gender. The angels do not.

And while the angels and humans both have free intellects, humans are creatures that have to learn, whereas Angels have vastly superior minds with infused knowledge when created. In other words, angels don’t need to learn. From the moment God creates them, they are infused with all the knowledge they need to do what God created them to do. For example, from the moment it was created for you, your guardian angel knew more about you than you know about yourself. It didn’t have to learn about you, it already knew what it knows about you from the moment God created it, long before God created you.

Perhaps the most significant difference between the angels and humans is that human beings are exclusively made in the image and likeness of God, whereas angels are not. Being created in God’s image and likeness sets us apart not only from the angels but from every other thing—living or inanimate—in God’s creation.

In these fundamental ways, you can see that we are a different kind of creation from the angels. We have some similarities, but we are fundamentally different. And so, just as a dog could never become an elephant, it would be impossible for a human to become an angel once a person is in Heaven. We and the angles are two completely separate species of God’s creation.

But here’s something amazing to consider. Once we are in Heaven, we will see God face to face. This intimate orientation and proximity to God is called the Beatific Vision. In this intimate closeness to God, we become magnified. To put it simply, we become, in a sense, “super-humans.” Perhaps, in some ways, even greater than the angels. As we find in the scripture, “…we are God’s children now; what we shall be [After we are in Heaven] has not yet been revealed. We do know that when it is revealed we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is. Everyone who has this hope based on him makes himself pure as he is pure” (-1 John 3:2)

Bonus Tidbit: While angels never cease to see God’s image and likeness in us and always marvel at that image, we often fail or refuse to see the image of God in others. It’s another difference between humans and angels, and a sad reality. But it’s a reality we can choose to change. Look for the image and likeness of God in others. Remember their dignity, even if they have forgotten it. God wills it. How do we look for and remember the image of God in others? That’s for another post. God keep you.

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