The Catholic Adventurer
Spirituality/Belief • Writing • Culture
Catholics turning "followship" into fellowship and helping each other to learn and grow in holiness. Catholicism is an adventure, but we weren't meant to live it in isolation. Holiness is the goal, and the human experience is the vehicle. Community is essential to that experience.
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The Scripture Sessions

As members of my Locals community you're also getting the private podcast, The Scripture Sessions, delivered directly to my Locals feed, without having to subscribe to the newsletter ("Notes From the Field" ) You don't have to go through the RSS provider unless you would rather add it to your preferred podcast player app instead of playing it in the Locals app. Just a little heads up there

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What else you may like…
Catechesis by Screwface in the 80s -Have a laugh!

You never know what you'll find in the criminal underworld of 80s movies. You may even learn how to be a better Catholic!

Happy [Re]new Year! My New Year's Pep Talk

I had just enough storage quota left to fit this short episode. You're getting this a day before everybody else.
DO ME A BIG FAVOR and tap/click "Like" if you watch this so I know there's a heartbeat on Locals. Thanks, fans!

New Podcast feed mentioned in the episode is at this link:

Description and timecode chapters:
In this final episode of the podcast for 2024, we discuss how Catholics should approach the New Year differently than the secular world. We focus on the importance of recommitting ourselves daily to personal growth rather than treating New Year's resolutions as a once-a-year effort. Explore why January 1st is a Holy Day of Obligation, the significance of building challenging virtues, and how to change habits of action, and habits of thought and renew our lives to be "more real" (more aligned with God's vision for us). Join me in committing to a significant and transformative change in the coming year.

00:00 Introduction and Technical ...

Why Even Catholics Will Curse the Light of Truth

This is blowing up on YouTube. For me a couple of hundred views is "blowing up" lol. Anyway I thought you'd like a special delivery of it, since you're not likely to have caught it on socials.
Description - If we aren't evangelizing the 'real' gospel of the REAL Jesus we deprive the Church and the world of Saints. - Full Description If our churches lack saints, they become dark and dismal. We witness the closure of churches and Catholic schools, or worse, schools that fail to uphold and teach authentic Catholic doctrine, succumbing instead to a diluted 'Teddy Bear Jesus' gospel. My authority stems from 30 years in Catholic media, apologetics, and education, working directly with the faithful. I've faced fierce opposition for basic catechesis, but these challenges underscore the urgency of our mission.

Special: Defending the Catholic Faith: A Personal Journey and Its Costs

Exclusively on Locals, this is an optimized version of a TikTok LIVE sit-down. In it I share some reflections on the challenges and costs of defending the Catholic faith. Through a personal story about a debate with a once-Catholic cousin, I explain how defending Catholicism often results in challenging conversations (sometimes unpleasant ones), both with non-Catholics and with practicing Catholics. Emphasizing the hostility encountered, especially in defending Catholic doctrines, I discuss how this role often leads to being targeted as a representative of the Church's teachings. I offer insights into the spiritual battles faced and the ultimate reliance on the Holy Spirit for guidance in debates.

00:20 A Personal Story: Family and Faith
02:05 Debating Catholicism: Challenges and Realizations
05:03 The Role of a Catholic Communicator
07:49 Facing Opposition from Within
13:12 The Spiritual Battle: Truth vs. Lies
18:39 The Price of Defending the Faith
28:59 Personal Reflections and ...

Special: Defending the Catholic Faith: A Personal Journey and Its Costs
Jesus Cancels the Debt (Pre-Release!)

Hello Adventurers! Today, I'm going deep into a throw[way]back episode called "Jesus Cancels the Debt" where I talk about the awe-inspiring sacrament of confession. Ever wondered why confession is so crucial for Catholics? How Jesus, with his eternal sacrifice, continues to cancel our sins debt every time we confess? Join me as I unravel the significance of confession through a captivating analogy you might not have heard before.
Subscribe to my YouTube Channel, because I'll be using that a lot more starting immediately.

Jesus Cancels the Debt (Pre-Release!)
The Curious Case of Fr. Carlos Martins (Audio, FREE members)

PRE-RELEASE, available to all members. - *Paid members, you'll find a video version available for you in another post here.
Description: In this special episode I dive into the case of Father Carlos Martins, a well-known priest and exorcist, who is currently under investigation for alleged inappropriate conduct involving minors during a St. Jude Relic tour in Illinois. I discusses the investigation, how it broke, how it developed, and the subsequent media narrative, and use the opportunity to question the integrity of some in Catholic media, especially independent sources like The Pillar. The episode also covers reactions from various quarters, including a strange tweet from Mel Gibson and comments on the reporting methods of different Catholic news outlets. Be careful about rushing to judgment.
Catholic News Agency Article:

Notes From the Field sign-up: ...

The Curious Case of Fr. Carlos Martins (Audio, FREE members)
New 𝕏 and TikTok Names

Heads up fans. I have changed my account handles (names) on 𝕏 and TilTok in an effort to unify my highly splintered brand. They are now “CathAdventurer” at both sites.
Still CatholicAdventurer at YouTube.
I’m not sure if I will change the name of the Locals community yet since I have plugged it in so many episodes and there is no way to redirect people to the new name if they enter through the current one. so for now, and probably going forward, the Locals community name will remain Catholic experience

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Euthanasia, Transgender Treatments, and Sean Hannity's Engagement Catholic Views News 1

NOTE: I've reached my monthly data limit, so I'm sharing this in a YouTube embed/link - A Catholic Perspective on Euthanasia, Transgender Treatments, and Sean Hannity's Engagement
In this episode of the Catholic Adventurer, we explore three current news topics from a Catholic viewpoint. First, the Canadian group's concerns about euthanasia abuses emphasize the importance of safeguarding human dignity. Then, we discuss President Biden's recent defense bill decision that cuts funding for underage transgender treatments, which is seen as a win for protecting youth. Lastly, we touch on Sean Hannity's engagement and reflect on the implications of divorce and remarriage within the Catholic faith. Join us as we discuss these important issues and their moral implications.
#catholicfaith #catholic #news #headlines #catholicperspective #seanhannity

The Pains of Integrating Faith with ‘Real’ Life (Clip)

Hey fans! This is an extended segment clip (13 minutes). In order to conserve space and not hit my monthly data limit on Locals, please view this clip on my website. I'm trying to use my Locals data allotment just for episodes (audio and video) and short clips. Please consider signing up for my newsletter as I broaden my use of my website to get around Locals' limitations. Some content will be reserved for Newsletter subscribers. It's free, you have nothing to lose.



Below are the first couple of paragraphs of the accompanying article which is basically a rundown and commentary now hat you'll see in the clip.

"I’ve often thought about the challenges we face as we try to integrate faith with our everyday lives. It’s a complex journey, one filled with struggle and moments of doubt. Sometimes “the faith” burns us out. ...

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A Biblical Argument for the Immaculate Conception that No One is Expecting

This was included in the 3rd edition of Notes From the Field, but I wanted to included it here on Locals for paid members, too. I'm not sure if you Localers are also newsletter subscribers or not.

How can we know that Mary was preserved from original sin? The bible doesn’t explicitally tell us that she was. So how do we know that the Church isin’t wrong? I’m going to offer some basic theological points for your consideration and edification. But I want to start out with something entirely unique—my own theology(don’t laugh!). 

I said in my first episode of “Myths & Mystery” that I was going to offer a theological point that may blow your mind. And this is it. After this point I’ll offer some more traditional and established theological points for you. 

Only for Supporters
To read the rest of this article and access other paid content, you must be a supporter
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Catholic Myth-Busting at its Finest!
A New Podcast Series called Myths and Mystery

Heads up, Localers! I've reached my data limit for this month on Locals, so i can't post the video here. Please go to my website (linked at the end of this post) to check out the video. This is a 5-minute pocdast—short and sweet.

This is a new series called “Myths and Mystery” where I address misconceptions and false ideas about the Catholic faith. Often it’s other Catholics who have these false ideas and misconceptions, not just non-Catholic people. I would really, really love your feedback in a comment. I don’t produce these for myself, I produce them for you and others. Understanding how you receive what I’m producing is very helpful and necessary to produce better podcasts and videos for you.

About the New Series

Myths and Mystery is a short-form podcast—very short-form—intended to be informative and edifying, but also a little entertaining and easy to consume. This one is about five minutes long, and that’s about my target length for each episode. I hope you enjoy it. Please consider sharing the video if you think others would enjoy and learn from it. I love you guys.


In this premier episode I tackle three prevalent myths about the Catholic faith. I clarify the true Catholic teaching on the Holy Eucharist, the Immaculate Conception, and misunderstanding about the Church’s doctrine consistency. 

As a bonus, the episode I conclude with surprising true or false questions about God. The last one will definitely shock you. I know this because it shocks everyone I tell it to in person. 

Check it out at my website:

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IMPORTANT...kinda: Newsletter Membership
It's time to unify 'the experience' and unlock some features

Hi fans! I'm here to ask you to sign up for my newsletter, but for some very important reasons.

As you know I've relaunched the newsletter, with updates, Church wisdom, and more. But I'm also using Newsletter membership to open up restricted content to my newsletter subscribers. It's a way to unify the experience between Free and Paid Locals members, and the general audience members who want to stay connected to my work, but don't want to sign up for a Locals account.

I've started restricting exclusive posts/articles/features to Newsletter subscribers, but I don't want you guys on Locals to be left out in the cold, since you are every bit as interested in what I'm doing as they are. So here's the rundown

Free Locals Members: 

Please consider signing up for my newsletter. It's a great newsletter, but more importantly your membership to the newsletter  is also your key to "locked" content on my website going forward. Link is at the end of this post, with a brief note

Paid Locals Members:

Thanks for supporting my apostolate and helping me to pay the bills! Please consider signing up for the newsletter, for the same reasons as the Free members. But as a paid Locals member you'll still get exclusive benefits and content that no one else will get, even with the newsletter subscription. It's my way of saying thank you for your support of my work.

Locals may have it's place and purpose, but for a fuller, richer and unrestricted experience, I really need to keep my own website involved. The newsletter membership helps me to do that. 

Sign Up Today, fans!

NOTE: Once you sign up for the newsletter the system will email you a verificatoin message. Please look for it in your inbox, or spam folder (remember to unmark me as "Spam"). If you don't confirm your sign-up you won't be added to the membership list.

Thanks for being a part of the adventure with me, and for being part of this experience together.

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