The Catholic Adventurer
Spirituality/Belief • Writing • Culture
Catholics turning "followship" into fellowship and helping each other to learn and grow in holiness. Catholicism is an adventure, but we weren't meant to live it in isolation. Holiness is the goal, and the human experience is the vehicle. Community is essential to that experience.
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On Good and Evil - Flip-flopping Reality

Decoding Good and Evil: A Biblical Perspective:

This is the full version of a video I posted to socials. If you follow me on X or Facebook, you only got 1 minute of it (if the algorithm presented it to you at all). Here's the full version

In today's world, we often mislabel good and evil, calling bad things good and vice versa. This flawed thinking is addressed in the scriptures. I explore Isaiah 5:20 and Romans 1:18 to understand God's view on those who switch good and evil, calling evil things virtuous and good things wrong. I explain the nature of good as life-sustaining and reflective of God's character, and evil as the negation of good. This mislabeling of good and evil is seen as an attempt to negate reality, which the Bible strongly condemns. Stay tuned for a longer podcast on this topic.

00:00 Good and Evil
00:28 Isaiah
00:56 Romans
01:45 What is Good, Why Does Evil Exist?

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This Good News Is the Bad News

The Unshakeable Presence of the Catholic Church: A Stark Warning

In this video, I bring you some significant news: the Catholic Church will endure until the end of time. This is joyous for believers but unsettling for non-believers. Throughout history, despite claims of its imminent demise, the Church has persisted for 2,000 years, transcending empires and eras. However, Catholics are cautioned not to be complacent. The gates of hell may not prevail against the Church, but they can still threaten individual hearts, homes, and local parishes. Crucially, after death, there is no forgiveness of sins, making every opportunity for confession and Mass vital. Remember, once we are gone, we can't seek forgiveness. Lastly, a light-hearted reminder: if you enjoy this video, please like, follow, and subscribe!

00:00 Introduction and Mixed News
00:20 The Enduring Catholic Church
01:05 A Warning to All, Especially Catholics
01:41 The Final Warning: No Forgiveness After Death
02:19 Closing Remarks...

Catechesis by Screwface in the 80s -Have a laugh!

You never know what you'll find in the criminal underworld of 80s movies. You may even learn how to be a better Catholic!

Happy [Re]new Year! My New Year's Pep Talk

I had just enough storage quota left to fit this short episode. You're getting this a day before everybody else.
DO ME A BIG FAVOR and tap/click "Like" if you watch this so I know there's a heartbeat on Locals. Thanks, fans!

New Podcast feed mentioned in the episode is at this link:

Description and timecode chapters:
In this final episode of the podcast for 2024, we discuss how Catholics should approach the New Year differently than the secular world. We focus on the importance of recommitting ourselves daily to personal growth rather than treating New Year's resolutions as a once-a-year effort. Explore why January 1st is a Holy Day of Obligation, the significance of building challenging virtues, and how to change habits of action, and habits of thought and renew our lives to be "more real" (more aligned with God's vision for us). Join me in committing to a significant and transformative change in the coming year.

00:00 Introduction and Technical ...

"Last" Scripture Sessions Post

Hi fans! Here is the 3rd episode of The Scripture Sessions. This will be the last one that I post to Locals. Future episodes will only be available at my website, for members of The Saint Foundry, which is free.
Thanks for signing up for Locals. I know it's a painful signup. It's even more painful for me as a publisher. The Saint Foundry is going to be a lot nicer for everybody, a lot more fun, and I think a lot more rewarding. Anyway, here's the episode, description, and a link to The Saint Foundry, below the description

Description: There are surprises being served up at the wedding feast at Cana in today’s Gospel reading. I shed some light on some often-overlooked aspects of this biblical event, inviting you to forget what you think you know about this story, and listen with fresh ears to discover some things you may have been missing.

About/Join the Saint Foundry:
Why I'm deprioritizing Locals (In case you didn't see this ...

"Last" Scripture Sessions Post
Special: Defending the Catholic Faith: A Personal Journey and Its Costs

Exclusively on Locals, this is an optimized version of a TikTok LIVE sit-down. In it I share some reflections on the challenges and costs of defending the Catholic faith. Through a personal story about a debate with a once-Catholic cousin, I explain how defending Catholicism often results in challenging conversations (sometimes unpleasant ones), both with non-Catholics and with practicing Catholics. Emphasizing the hostility encountered, especially in defending Catholic doctrines, I discuss how this role often leads to being targeted as a representative of the Church's teachings. I offer insights into the spiritual battles faced and the ultimate reliance on the Holy Spirit for guidance in debates.

00:20 A Personal Story: Family and Faith
02:05 Debating Catholicism: Challenges and Realizations
05:03 The Role of a Catholic Communicator
07:49 Facing Opposition from Within
13:12 The Spiritual Battle: Truth vs. Lies
18:39 The Price of Defending the Faith
28:59 Personal Reflections and ...

Special: Defending the Catholic Faith: A Personal Journey and Its Costs
Jesus Cancels the Debt (Pre-Release!)

Hello Adventurers! Today, I'm going deep into a throw[way]back episode called "Jesus Cancels the Debt" where I talk about the awe-inspiring sacrament of confession. Ever wondered why confession is so crucial for Catholics? How Jesus, with his eternal sacrifice, continues to cancel our sins debt every time we confess? Join me as I unravel the significance of confession through a captivating analogy you might not have heard before.
Subscribe to my YouTube Channel, because I'll be using that a lot more starting immediately.

Jesus Cancels the Debt (Pre-Release!)
New 𝕏 and TikTok Names

Heads up fans. I have changed my account handles (names) on 𝕏 and TilTok in an effort to unify my highly splintered brand. They are now “CathAdventurer” at both sites.
Still CatholicAdventurer at YouTube.
I’m not sure if I will change the name of the Locals community yet since I have plugged it in so many episodes and there is no way to redirect people to the new name if they enter through the current one. so for now, and probably going forward, the Locals community name will remain Catholic experience

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The Scripture Sessions

As members of my Locals community you're also getting the private podcast, The Scripture Sessions, delivered directly to my Locals feed, without having to subscribe to the newsletter ("Notes From the Field" ) You don't have to go through the RSS provider unless you would rather add it to your preferred podcast player app instead of playing it in the Locals app. Just a little heads up there

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Euthanasia, Transgender Treatments, and Sean Hannity's Engagement Catholic Views News 1

NOTE: I've reached my monthly data limit, so I'm sharing this in a YouTube embed/link - A Catholic Perspective on Euthanasia, Transgender Treatments, and Sean Hannity's Engagement
In this episode of the Catholic Adventurer, we explore three current news topics from a Catholic viewpoint. First, the Canadian group's concerns about euthanasia abuses emphasize the importance of safeguarding human dignity. Then, we discuss President Biden's recent defense bill decision that cuts funding for underage transgender treatments, which is seen as a win for protecting youth. Lastly, we touch on Sean Hannity's engagement and reflect on the implications of divorce and remarriage within the Catholic faith. Join us as we discuss these important issues and their moral implications.
#catholicfaith #catholic #news #headlines #catholicperspective #seanhannity

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IMPORTANT: A New Direction
I'm done

Hi everybody. I hope 2025 is treting you kindly so far. I want to steal a few minutes of your time to share some news about my apostolate.  This is important for both free and paid members to know, as it impacts my entire audience—my Catholic family circle.

I'm Done!

I'm not actually quitting. But I'm done running my apostolate as a business, even though it technically is (Fiat Media). I don't have the time or the energy to compete in an overcrowded podcasting market. And as I search my heart I have come to the conclusion that I really just don't want to anyway. But  I don't want to stop evangelizing. I'm a Catholic communicator. That's who God made when he made me. I can't not do what I'm doing. So here's where I'm going.

No More Paid Memberships

First, I'm so thankful to the paid supporters of my Locals community. I'm thankful that you guys have helped to counter the costs of running my apostolate with your paid membership. It takes a lot to open your wallets (or purses) for a stranger. It's not "JUST 5 bucks" it's a much bigger deal than that, and I don't take it lightly that some of you have taken that dive. But it's time to do things differently.

I am bringing my expenses down to as close to zero as possible, and I have decided to just conver the remaining expenses myself without expectation of return on my investment.

So by the end of January I'll be canceling paid memberships on Locals and I will shift to a tips and donation model on my own website, If you want to "reward" me for my work and help cover some expenses, you can leave a tip, or commit to a regular donation of any amount. And I'll thank you for it. But if you don't that's okay, too. I'm here to serve. You can reward me with a few Hail Marys instead.  

So without paid memberships, here's what I will be doing.

Membership is Free

I have a members-only section on my website called "Saint Foundry". It's free, but you have to register to join. I'll offer seasonal exclusive podcasts there, short-form videos and occasional blog posts, all intended to educate, inform, and move you further along in your journey to sainthood. That's why I started this apostolate in the first place, and I feel like I lost sight of that a little bit over the past year.

You'll be able to send a tip if you'd like, or sign up to a monthly donation. But everyone will get the same content in my members' area, whether you tip/donate or not. 

I've been mulling this over for a couple of months and I feel strongly that this is the direction the Lord wants me to take. 

What About Locals?

Locals will still have a purpose as a posting and streaming platform that's detached from YouTube and the rest of the social media giants. Right now Im able to stream to my website via Vimeo/Livestream, but once that subscription runs out I may decide to no longer pay for it, and just use Locals for private streams. I'm still working that out. But it's a bridge I don't have to cross yet. I still foresee Locals having a place at the table, but right now they take a very steep commission on memberships and tips, and the service/platform is very restrictive—30 minute max on live streams, 5GB/month  on video/audio chokes me every month and it's stress that I can do without.

I still plan on using Discord for Q&A and live chat sessions, and I plan on leveraging my website and memberships to build some kind of community. Not for me, but for you.  

In short, my apostolate is going old school. I'll continue the public podcasts, but I'm going to use my website to offer a supplamental experience geared toward FORGING the saint-in-the-making. It'll be like boot camp for saints ;-)  That's where my heart is. I'm done worrying about the return/reponse. To hell with it—literally.

You'll see a "Login" link in the top menu bar of my website. Start there and click on ""Create Account" in the login window that pops up. The foundry is a little bare right now, but it's going to be built out pretty quickly. It won't be the prettiest website in the world, but it'll be a saint-maker.

God bless you all! See you over at the foundry!


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A Biblical Argument for the Immaculate Conception that No One is Expecting

This was included in the 3rd edition of Notes From the Field, but I wanted to included it here on Locals for paid members, too. I'm not sure if you Localers are also newsletter subscribers or not.

How can we know that Mary was preserved from original sin? The bible doesn’t explicitally tell us that she was. So how do we know that the Church isin’t wrong? I’m going to offer some basic theological points for your consideration and edification. But I want to start out with something entirely unique—my own theology(don’t laugh!). 

I said in my first episode of “Myths & Mystery” that I was going to offer a theological point that may blow your mind. And this is it. After this point I’ll offer some more traditional and established theological points for you. 

Only for Supporters
To read the rest of this article and access other paid content, you must be a supporter
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Catholic Myth-Busting at its Finest!
A New Podcast Series called Myths and Mystery

Heads up, Localers! I've reached my data limit for this month on Locals, so i can't post the video here. Please go to my website (linked at the end of this post) to check out the video. This is a 5-minute pocdast—short and sweet.

This is a new series called “Myths and Mystery” where I address misconceptions and false ideas about the Catholic faith. Often it’s other Catholics who have these false ideas and misconceptions, not just non-Catholic people. I would really, really love your feedback in a comment. I don’t produce these for myself, I produce them for you and others. Understanding how you receive what I’m producing is very helpful and necessary to produce better podcasts and videos for you.

About the New Series

Myths and Mystery is a short-form podcast—very short-form—intended to be informative and edifying, but also a little entertaining and easy to consume. This one is about five minutes long, and that’s about my target length for each episode. I hope you enjoy it. Please consider sharing the video if you think others would enjoy and learn from it. I love you guys.


In this premier episode I tackle three prevalent myths about the Catholic faith. I clarify the true Catholic teaching on the Holy Eucharist, the Immaculate Conception, and misunderstanding about the Church’s doctrine consistency. 

As a bonus, the episode I conclude with surprising true or false questions about God. The last one will definitely shock you. I know this because it shocks everyone I tell it to in person. 

Check it out at my website:

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